Monday, March 3, 2014

First Week of a New Era

Hello everyone,

So, I'm still in Fuji. And this week has been difficult, mostly through my own doing. Instead of getting my act together and acting like a man when I got to Fuji, I was pretty mopey. I tried to pick myself up, but I just didn't realize what my problem was. I was in Fuji physically, but I wasn't there metally. And so I was sad and a little miserable. And I didn't really want to do much. 

People sometimes criticize Luke Skywalker for being kind of whiney at first, but I think I finally get it. Sometimes stuff is hard and doesn't go your way. And when you're young and just getting out into the adventure that is life, it's hard to have the perspective that makes it easier to push past the hard times. Especially when you're in a completely new situation that's so different from what you've been doing up that point in your life. 

But now I'm alright. I know what I need to do here and I'm ready to work. I may only end up being in this area for four weeks, and one of those is already gone. But I can make the best of the time I have here. There are great members in this ward, and they are extremely loveable. And I was called to work here for and with them. So I will. Fuji is pretty nice. It's a good area with a great ward. And it's got a lot of pretty mountains, including Mount Fuji itself. The only downside is that there are a lot of factories. The weather has been getting slowly better here, though we had quite a bit of rain in the last week. It should slowly get warmer, and the cherry blossoms are starting appear everywhere as Sakura (cherry blossom) season gets closer. 

T 長老 (Elder T) continues to get better too. He was really upset with the Assistants to the President and President Yamashita, but I think he's slowly coming to forgive them. And we are getting to be better friends every day. He is a real help to me. I'm glad I'm with him. Elder T is from Hawaii, but he's 3/4 Japanese, so he looks Japanese. He says that since he doesn't speak Japanese like a native sometimes people look at him weird.

Sorry it's short. I didn't feel like writing much today. But know that I love you all and am wishing you the best. :)

-Elder Alex Mueller

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